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De 29 maatregelen, het overzicht

Maandag 21 juni 2010 - Begin juni werden ze al aangekondigd, de 29 maatregelen om de Hongaarse economie te stimuleren en flink te snijden in de staatskosten. Op de website Portfolio.hu verscheen vandaag een helder Engelstalig overzicht van deze maatregelen. Nu kunnen we dus meekijken met wat de Hongaarse regering gaat doen en kunnen we nauwlettend gaan volgen of de 29 maatregelen ook daadwerkelijk worden uitgevoerd.

1. Cut tax from 19% to 10% for SMEs with profit of up to HUF500mn. (2010)
2. Introduce single rate family personal income tax at 16% and eliminate tax credit over a two-year period. (2011-)
3. Eliminate ten small taxes for SMEs. (2010)
4. Introduce the concept of non-taxable income.
5. Remove taxes on the movement of assets between blood relations of lineal descent, employment out of after-tax income and caring for children.
6. Introduce tax on financial sector, raising revenue this year to HUF 200 bn from HUF 13 bn in the former cabinet’s budget. (2010-2012)
7. Freeze expenditure in state and budgetary institutions. (2010)
8. Reduce public sector wage bill by 15%, streamline the management of state-owned enterprises, saving at least HUF 48.2 billion. (2010)
9. Introduce a wage ceiling of HUF 2 million a month in the state budget sector, including the National Bank. (2010)
10. Transform wage costs of public sector. (2010)
11. Revise budget expenditures at funds and in the ministries. (2010)
12. Revise of contracts with outsiders and outsourced activities. (2010)
13. Levy 98% tax on severance payments over 60 days, confidentiality payments. (2010)
14. Stop furniture/equipments/vehicle purchase and replacement in the public sector. (2010)
15. Cut budget subsidies for political parties this year by 15%.
16. Ban on foreign exchange based housing loans.
17. Ban on evictions of home owners until 31 December, 2010.
18. Freeze on increase of utilities tariffs. (2010)
19. Streamline red-tape for investment: 1/3 of the 51 permissions eliminated.
20. Abrogate the simplified temporary employment system.
21. One does not to have to become an entrepreneur when one wants to rent a piece of real estate property.
22. Give people back their right to freely make fruit brandy.
23. Heed the request of the historical churches and charity organisations, and make donations tax free once again.
24. Ease conditions of food production, processing and sale by small producers.
25. Widen the Széchenyi Card Programme, to raise it to HUF 50 m.
26. Re-shuffling of the use of European Union funds to the benefit of SMEs.
27. Inspect institutions using significant amounts of public funds.
28. Establish a national assets management organisation for failed loans.
29. Introduce a secondary food inspection so that from now on the European waste food would not flow unhindered into Hungary.


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